Victor Snaith


A portrait of Victor Snaith from 1986

Post retirement mathematics and writing

Miscellaneous mathematic essays:

Games for as few as will

The Minus Money (a childrens' tale)

Changing Stations (a play)

A 1990's novel about a math olympiad

Photos of Victor Snaith

Post-retirement papers:

Zacky Choo, Wajid Mannan, Rub\'{e}n Sanchez-Garcia and Victor Snaith: Computing Borel's regulator I

Zacky Choo, Wajid Mannan, Rub\'{e}n Sanchez-Garcia and Victor Snaith: Computing Borel's regulator II

David Gepner and Victor Snaith: On the motivic spectra representing algebraic cobordism and algebraic K-theory

Paul Buckingham and Victor Snaith: Functoriality of the canonical fractional Galois ideal

Robert Bruner, Khairia Mira, Laura Stanley and Victor Snaith: Ossa's Theorem via the Kunneth formula

Victor Snaith: The Arf-Kervaire Invariant of Framed Manifolds (a survey)

Victor Snaith: Non-factorisation of Arf-Kervaire classes through ${\mathbb RP}^{\infty} \wedge {\mathbb RP}^{\infty}$

Victor Snaith: Galois descent of determinants in the ramified case

Victor Snaith: A history of the Arf-Kervaire invariant problem (slides of lecture)

Victor Snaith: Monomial resolutions for admissible representations of $GL_{2}$ of a local field (provisional ms for 2011 Sheffield lectures, revised September 2013)

Zacky Choo, Wajid Mannan, Rub\'{e}n Sanchez-Garcia and Victor Snaith: Computing Borel's regulator (an amalgamation of I and II)

Zacky Choo and Victor Snaith: p-adic cocycles and their regulator maps (appeared in J. K-theory 8 (2011) 241-249)

Victor Snaith: A history of the Arf-Kervaire problem (an invited article AMSoc Notices Sept 2013 vol 60, number 8 pp. 1040-1047)

Victor Snaith: Remarks on a paper of Guy Henniart (expository essay on Galois epsilon factors modulo roots of unity)

Victor Snaith: Nim and invariants in algebraic topology

Victor Snaith: Galois descent of representations

Victor Snaith: Admissible representations of $GL_{n}K$ and their monomial resolutions

Victor Snaith: Group theory and the $2 \times 2$ Rubik's cube (revised August 2014)

Victor Snaith: Derived Langlands - Monomial resolutions of admissible representations, a monograph (November 2016)

Victor Snaith: A Freeman Dyson Anecdote (March 2015)

Victor Snaith: Monomial resolutions of admissible representations, a talk given at a Homological algebra conference at the University of Lancaster (April 2015)

Victor Snaith: PSH-algebras and the Shintani correspondence; (March 2016)

A Xmas season quiz; (December 2016)

A Xmas seasonal brain teaser; (December 2016)

Victor Snaith: Homological Detection; (March 2017)

Victor Snaith: The Bernstein Centre, a lecture given at UWO; (April 2017)

Victor Snaith: The second Chern class of representations of finite groups (July 2017)

Victor Snaith: Galois Exercises with the second Chern class (March 2018)

Victor Snaith: Adams Operations on Monomial Resolutions (February 2019)

Victor Snaith: Derived Langlands II: HyperhHecke algebras, monocentric relations and admissibility (September 2019)

Victor Snaith: Derived Langlands II: Sheffield Lecture series (September 2019)

Victor Snaith: Derived Langlands II: HyperhHecke algebras, monocentric relations and admissibility; arXiv:3100675 [math.RT] 24 Mar 2020

Some ancients Greeks discuss the Platonic solids; (March 2020)

Nets for macking Platonic solids; (March 2020)

Derived Langlands III: PSH algebras and their numerical invariants; arXiv:2006.07176v1 [math.RT] 12 June 2020

The Hopflike properties of the hyperHecke algebra; preprint 27 May 2020.

Derived LanglandsIV: Notes on ${\mathcal M}_{cmc}(G)$-induced representations; arXiv:2008.06325v1 [math.RT] 14 Aug 2020.

Derived LanglandsV:The Hopflike properties of the hyperHecke algebra; arXiv:2009.14697v1 [math.RT] 30 September 2020.

Derived LanglandsVI: Monomial resolutions and $2$-variable L-functions 20 November 2020.

Derived LanglandsVII: The PSH Algebra of Products of General Linear Groups 4 January 2022.

Derived LanglandsVIII: Local GL_{n} 20 June 2021.


Updated Feb 2022